H-60 - Potassium Humate in flakes form

Contents : Humic acid, Fulvic acid, Potassium, Sea weed extract.
H - 60 is Leonardite extract which is rich source of Humic as well as Fulvic substances.
It is completely water soluble due to its Flakes form. It is best organic product for fertile soil, overall growth of roots, healthy plant as well as for stress management for all types of crops.
H - 60 Increases soil fertility due to its microbial & mycorrhizal activity. It stimulates plant enzymes & Hormones and there by causing Roots & Shoot development of the Plants.
H - 60 enhances soil workability, improves water holding capacity & makes Soil aerated. H - 60 also accelerates seed germination.
Dosage :-
For Spray :Use 1gm H60 per liter water
For Drip Irrigation: Use 250 gm H - 60 per acre.
For Drenching : 2 gm H - 60 per liter water.
For Seed Treatment : 3 - 5 gm H - 60 dissolve in required quantity of water for 1Kg of seeds.